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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Cam One free?

Cam One is free to trial for seven days. After that you will need to upgrade to a paid plan. You can read more about these plans over on the pricing page

Our mission is to provide the best value solution available on the market, and want our pricing to reflect that. 

Is there an iOS (Apple) app?

Unfortunately we do not currently have an iOS app. Whilst it is our intention to release one in the future, that investment will need to be based on the success of the Android app. Sign up for the waitlist to be the first to hear about this in the future.

The great benefit of Android, is there are devices readily available with high quality cameras, at a quite reasonable price point.

What new features are on the roadmap?

We have a huge backlog of ideas that we would love to incorporate into the Cam One experience over time. These include additional customisation settings, templates, and graphics. Our mission is to keep our user experience as intuitive and easy to use as possible, and will always keep this in mind when considering the opportunity to add new features.


It's highly important to also listen to our customers to make sure that Cam One is working for their needs. If there's something that is missing from your perspective, then please don't hesitate to get in touch! 

How do I report any issues or bugs?

If you happen to experience any issues or bugs within the Cam One interface, then please take a screenshot (if possible) and capture as many of the details as possible and send them to us in an email: Some useful information that will help us to triage your issues quicker are:

  • What device are you using? (e.g Samsung Galaxy S24)

  • What version of Android is your device running? You can find this in your phone's settings.

  • Could you reproduce the issue more than once? If so, what steps did you take to produce it?


If you are experiencing unstable stream connections

Because Cam One is integrated with Facebook and YouTube, we benefit from their stable streaming platforms. If you are experiencing any instability or drop-offs, then the issue could be related to your internet connection. If you are indoors, try and connect to a closed network (rather than using a public network that might have a large number of connections or reduced capacity). If you are using mobile data, then 5g will provide the most stable stream. 

What sports are supported in Cam One?

We currently have configurable scoring setups for the following sports:

  • Badminton

  • Basketball

  • Boxing

  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

  • Football

  • Netball

  • Rugby

  • Squash

  • Table Tennis

We also have a custom sport option where you can configure a number of settings which should support a wide range of other sports.

My sport isn't supported?

If your sport isn't listed within Cam One, please get in contact and let us know! For the meantime, our custom sport option should let you configure a number of settings.

Can I watch live sport with Cam One?

Cam One is a broadcasting solution. All games that are streamed from Cam One go directly to Facebook or YouTube and cannot be viewed via the Cam One app. 

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